Il progetto
Le neuroscienze

The project

FoodCAST is a research project which addresses the complex issues surrounding food with an unprecedented innovative and multidisciplinary approach.


FoodCAST has four main objectives, to better understand the present and the future of food.

Expo 2015

Some short presentations and videos describe the techniques used in neuroscience and the results of cognitive neuroscience studies that have investigated food.


The unavailability of adequate analysis and prediction techniques causes growing concern among the national and international communities and, above all, among food sector operators who are unprepared for these recent complexities. Agro-food markets are and will become increasingly complex, moving value added further and further away from the producers of raw material, thereby eroding the whole ecosystem of agricultural firms and undermining the national and international food model. For this reason, it has become indispensable to create new expertise and instruments capable of accounting for these new dynamics, and to shed light on possible effective solutions for planning and managing food resources both locally and globally. That is the mission of FoodCAST.

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